1:基于卵黄球膜原理的复合胶团构筑及其营养素递送机制研究 来源:国家自然科学青年基金项目 时间:2019年01月至 2021年 12月
2:蛋黄脂蛋白-多糖复合油胶构筑及塑性脂肪替代机制研究 来源:江苏省自然科学青年基金项目 时间:2018年06月至2021年6月
1. Li, J., Y. Zhang, Q. Fan, C. Teng, W. Xie, Y. Shi, Y. Su, and Y. Yang, Combination effects of NaOH and NaCl on the rheology and gel characteristics of hen egg white proteins.Food Chemistry, 2018, 250: 1-6.
2. Li, J., M. Zhang, C. Chang, L. Gu, N. Peng, Y. Su, and Y. Yang, Molecular forces and gelling properties of heat-set whole chicken egg protein gel as affected by NaCl or pH.Food Chemistry, 2018, 261: 36-41.
3. Li, J., C. Wang, M. Zhang, Y. Zhai, B. Zhou, Y. Su, and Y. Yang, Effects of selected phosphate salts on gelling properties and water state of whole egg gel.Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 77: 1-7.
4. Li, J., C. Wang, X. Li, Y. Su, Y. Yang, and X. Yu, Effects of pH and NaCl on the physicochemical and interfacial properties of egg white/yolk.Food Bioscience, 2018, 23: 115-120.
5. Li, J., X. Li, C. Wang, M. Zhang, Y. Xu, B. Zhou, Y. Su, and Y. Yang, Characteristics of gelling and water holding properties of hen egg white/yolk gel with NaCl addition.Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 77: 887-893.
6. Li, J., Y. Zhang, and Y. Yang, Characterization of the diatomite binding domain in the ribosomal protein L2 from E. coli and functions as an affinity tag.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97(6): 2541-2549.
7. Li, J., Y. Zhang, H. Chen, Y. Liu, and Y. Yang, Purification and characterization of recombinant Bacillus subtilis 168 catalase using a basic polypeptide from ribosomal protein L2.Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 72: 83-89.
8. Li, J., Y. Dong, Y. Zhang, and Y. Yang, Purification of recombinant EGFP by fusion with L2 (252-273) from ribosomal protein L2 using magnetic particles.Journal of Chromatography B, 2013, 917: 30-35.
9. Li, J., Y. Zhang, F. Shen, and Y. Yang, Comparison of magnetic carboxymethyl chitosan nanoparticles and cation exchange resin for the efficient purification of lysine-tagged small ubiquitin-like modifier protease.Journal of Chromatography B, 2012, 907: 159-162.